Monday, December 7, 2009

Grass Trees - Xanthorrhoea - at Cranbourne

Cranbourne Botanical Gardens, outside Melbourne, Victoria, has a wonderful collection of Xanthorrhoea. One specimen, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii is 400 years old. Flower growth is triggered by fire, and the flowers can grow 2-3 cm per day


debsgarden said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog! The grass trees are amazing. I look forward to seeing more Australian plants. I really enjoy seeing gardens in other climates from my own. Come visit Deb's Garden in Alabama, USA when you can.

Noelle Johnson said...

What fascinating trees. They look somewhat like the Yucca's that grow here in Arizona.

Unknown said...

They're unique! What a beautiful sight!

ro said...

amazing, beautiful!

amanda evans said...

i sent my photographer friend your link for a location idea.. her response "How on earth did you find this??
I love it! We should have a date there so we can check it out."

u are making waves in the fashion community!!!

how is your pad?

robble said...

thanks Amanda thats great. Im flattered. Its great to be back home. Im going to post some photos of my own plants soon