Saturday, January 2, 2010

Breakwater, Victoria.

I visited my friend Shane in Victoria a few months ago. (Just found the photos!)
He lives on the edge of a floodplain which is kind of like living on the edge of the moors (in my imagination) Theres a lot of a plant called Lignum. Also I photographed a couple of interesting succulents growing there. The first one, I think is a type of Sarcocornia. Common name Samphire.
The area is rampant with rabbits, so there must be something unappetising about all surviving plants
While I was looking to identify both species. I found a great website:
Its compiled by Attila Kapitany who has published a great book about Austalian Succulents, which Im intending to buy when I have some spare cash.
EDIT: Thanks Ian Percy. The yellow flowered plant is Cotula coronopifolia.
I had a look in Field Guide to Native Plants of Sydney by Les Robinson and got the following info:
" Common in slightly saline conditions on the margins of saltmarshes. The seeds emit a sticky mucus when immersed. This aids dispersal by sticking to birds. Native of South Africa"!

Sarcocornia sp.


Florez Nursery said...

Hi R. The yellow one is "water buttons" Cotula coronopifolia, something I used to grow during my water gardening phase

robble said...

Thanks Ian, have edited